Cement Stabilised

With access to multiple pugmills across Sydney, we are able to offer cement stabilised and water modified products.

Our water modified products will increase your onsite productivity by saving you time and reduce on-site costs.

Cement ratios can be blended from 2% (50:1) up to 12% (8:1).

Please refer to your engineering specifications for which ratio is suitable for use on your project.

Cement Stabilised

Both Natural and Recycled options available for cement stabilisation. Can be made to meet various specifications including Sydney Water and TfNSW. Cement ratios can be blended from 2% (50:1) up to 12% (8:1).

DGB20 DGS20 road

DGB20 Recycled

Densely Graded Base Course material with a nominal size of 20mm. A well graded product from 26.5mm to fine dust, compliant with RMS QA specification 3051. Base course for main roads, high traffic areas, residential subdivisions and more.

DGS40 road

DGS40 Recycled

Densely Graded Sub-base. Crushed Recycled Concrete, top particle size 40mm. Well graded down to fine dust. Compliant with RMS QA Specification 3051.

Envirosand / Recycled Sand

A crushed recycled bedding/fill sand, with better compaction than dune or river sands i.e. crushed particles giving better mechanical interlock than round grained sands. Suitable for use under slabs, pavers, and as pipe bedding, fill etc.


Sydney Sand

Fine washed Dune sand.

Water Modified

Our Water Modified road base products will increas your onsite productivity by saving you time and reducing on-site costs. By blending water into material through our pugmill, we can produce premium road bases with an increased water content, potentially significantly reducing your machine hire & labour costs on site.

DGB20 DGS20 road

DGB20 Recycled

Densely Graded Base Course material with a nominal size of 20mm.

DGS40 road

DGS40 Recycled

Densely Graded Sub-base. Crushed Recycled Concrete, top particle size 40mm.

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