Recycled Sands
High quality recycled sands. Can be supplied to meet various specifications, primarily used as Bed & Haunch under pipes, or under slabs.

A crushed recycled bedding/fill sand, with better compaction than dune or river sands i.e. crushed particles giving better mechanical interlock than round grained sands. Suitable for use under slabs, pavers, and as pipe bedding, fill etc.
Compliant with RMS QA Specification R11 Bedding & Haunch.

Glass Sand
Double Washed Recycled Glass Sand produced to <5mm.
Natural/Quarried Sands
Natural washed quarried sands. Can supply certified to a variety of specifications and standards, including Sydney Water, Endeavour Energy, Ausgrid and TfNSW.

Sydney Sand
Fine washed Dune sand.

Fine Compaction
A washed fine compaction sand. Sydney Water Sand Type B.

Course Compaction Sand
A washed coarse compaction sand. Sydney Water Sand Type A.

River Sand Course
Natural River sand that compacts well.

Super Fine Sand (Endeavor Energy Spec)
Double Washed Recycled Glass Sand produced to <5mm.

Blue Metal Dust / Natural Bedding Sand
A quarried/natural alternative to Envirosand bedding/fill sand, with better compaction than dune or river sands, ie, crushed particles giving better mechanical interlock than round grained sands. Suitable for use under slabs, pavers, and as pipe bedding, fill etc. Compliant with RMS QA Specification R11 Bedding & Haunch.
Speciality Sands
Decorative washed natural sands used in various applications. Can be used for decorative landscaping, or topdressing sporting fields. Check out our cement stabilised range for stabilised options.

Golf / Bunker Sand
As the name suggests, this type of sand is used in golf bunkers on a golf course.

Horse Area Sand
We have a variety of size and colour options to suit all horse arenas and budgets. Please contact us for more information.

Cement Stabilised Sand
With access to multiple pugmills across Sydney, we are able to offer cement stabilised and water modified products. Check out our cement stabilised page here for more details.