Recycled Road Bases
Quality recycled road bases suitable for a variety of applications. Most commonly used in road construction, residential subdivisions, under slabs. Compliant to a wide range of specifications, including local councils and TfNSW.

Densely Graded Base Course material with a nominal size of 20mm. A well graded product from 26.5mm to fine dust, compliant with RMS QA specification 3051. Base course for main roads, high traffic areas, residential subdivisions and more.

Densely Graded Sub-base. Crushed Recycled Concrete, top particle size 40mm. Well graded down to fine dust. Compliant with RMS QA Specification 3051.

Densely Graded Sub-base. Crushed Recycled Concrete, top particle size 26.5mm. Well graded down to fine dust. Compliant with RMS QA Specification 3051.

20mm Hard Road
A cost effective Crushed Recycled Asphalt Road Base. Base or Sub-base material. For rural service roads, fill under slabs, driveways, car parks etc. Also known as crushed rotor mill or profilings.

R73 HBB (MB20)
Densely Graded Heavily Bound pavement material with a nominal size of 20mm. A well graded product from 26.5mm to fine dust, blended via our pugmill at our Camellia plant with R73 HBB binder material. Compliant with RMS QA Specification R73 / MB20.

R73 HBB (Grave Laitier)
Heavily Bound Grave Laitier pavement material with a nominal top particle size of 20mm. This product is produced from blended blast furnace slag and bound with a slag/cement/lime binder. Blast furnace slag is a non-metallic material resulting from steel manufacturing, and has been repurposed and recycled into a premium quality heavy bound road base. Compliant with RMS QA Specification R73.
Natural/Quarried Road Base
Natural crushed basalt quarried road bases. Most commonly used in road construction, residential subdivisions, and rail capping. Compliant to a wide range of specifications, including TfNSW, C242 and ARTC.

Natural/Quarried Road Base
Natural/quarried densely Graded Base Course material with a nominal size of 20mm. A well graded product from 26.5mm to fine dust, compliant with RMS QA specification 3051. Base course for main roads, high traffic areas, residential subdivisions etc.

Natural/Quarried DGS40
Densely Graded Sub-base. Natural crushed basalt, top particle size 40mm. Well graded down to fine dust. Sub-base course for main roads, high traffic areas, residential subdivisions etc.